The possible perils of polybutylene plumbing are numerous and costly. If you have it in your home, it’s just a matter of time until the piping leaks. So what is polybutylene piping and how can you tell if it’s in your home? These questions and more are answered below.
What is Polybutylene Plumbing?
During the late 1970’s, polybutylene pipe was believed to be the plumbing solution of the future. It was inexpensive, flexible, thought to be resistant to freezing and easy to install. What wasn’t anticipated was that unfortunately, the chlorine in city water supplies ended up eating away the piping from the inside out. Bursting polybutylene pipes have led to the extensive destruction of home plumbing systems throughout the country.
The Hidden Costs
There are several hidden costs that can be related to still having polybutylene piping, including the resale value of your home decreasing by 10% or more. Also, homeowners will find that insurance coverage isn’t available, or it might not cover claims that resulted from damage caused by leaking polybutylene pipe systems. Any homeowner who’s property still contains polybutylene needs to pay to have it replaced or risk an expensive plumbing failure.
How to Identify Polybutylene Plumbing
Polybutylene pipe can be white, gray, black or blue but not all black and white piping is polybutylene. The most reliable way to check for polybutylene is to hire a professional plumber who will comprehensively check the system. A standard home inspection more than likely won’t be able to detect the presence of polybutylene pipes.
What should you do if you have Polybutylene pipe in your house or aren’t sure? Give us a call at 480-945-9583.
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