How to Unclog a Toilet

Dealing with a clogged toilet? What a messy job! The good news is that, while it’s definitely not a fun job, with a little practice, you can get most clogged toilets up and running in minutes, without flooding your bathroom. Above all, don’t try to unclog the toilet by flushing it over and over again….

Tips to Help Find the Right Valley Plumbing Service For You

Something as simple as a leak dripping from a pipe fitting can end up costing you thousands of dollars and throw your household into disarray for weeks. This is just one of many reasons why it’s so important to hire a highly qualified, licensed and insured plumber. Here are few tips to help you get…

Garbage Disposal Plumbing

Doing minor maintenance in your home can save you money and help prevent bigger problems from occurring. Generally, proper general care and maintenance of a garbage disposal will help prevent clogs, but they still may happen. A clogged garbage disposal is a hassle, but many times you can fix it yourself. Here are the steps…

sink plumbing repairs

If you aren’t excited about plumbing because it seems like a dangerous or unsanitary task, then you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are some plumbing basics you can learn to safely handle minor repairs. Doing these basic tasks on your own will not only save you money; but they will also help you fix small problems…

emergency plumbing repair

Being ready for a plumbing emergency is vital. Being prepared can save you thousands of dollars simply by knowing what you can do to stop the damage and who to call for emergency plumbing repair in Phoenix. What is a Plumbing Emergency? A plumbing problem that happens at night or on the weekends may cause…

emergency plumbing repair

If you need help with plumbing repair in your Phoenix home or business, you’ll want to make sure you hire a quality plumber. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who call themselves plumbers but don’t deliver quality work. They are sloppy, unprofessional, or in the worst case outright criminals. Finding a quality…

Garbage Disposal Plumbing

It seems to happen at the most inconvenient times. You’re having family over for dinner. You’re on your way to work. The babysitter drops eggshells in the drain. The garbage disposal hums, won’t drain and stops working. You’re left scratching your head wondering how to fix your garbage disposal so that you can go about…


Consider Your Needs Your needs may be as simple as having safe, tasty drinking water. Phoenix residents have hard water that contains a variety of minerals that cause build-up on fixtures, appliances and dishes. Softening hard water or removing calcium carbonate or chlorine greatly improves water quality.   Set a Budget An investment in a water purification…

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