Homeowners often decide to make some improvements to their home with remodeling projects. Whether it’s a Phoenix bathroom remodel in a home you’ve had for a while, or updating a dated “fixer-upper,” renovation plumbing is going to play a crucial role in your home improvement project. To ensure that the job is done right it’s…

Emergency plumbing Phoenix issues aren’t the same as plumbing emergencies back east. While we do experience things like burst pipes, they aren’t as common as they are back east due to the heat. What is an Emergency Plumbing Phoenix Issue? Regardless of where you live, plumbing is a crucial part of our everyday lives. It’s…

We recently completed a toilet installation in a client’s home where the toilet wasn’t securely attached to the drain hole. Our customer had been using the toilet for over ten years, and I was surprised to see that the leak she called about was the first one she’d had. She had purchased the house with…

Would you know where to find the water shutoff valves in your home if you were suddenly faced with an emergency? A lot of people don’t have any idea. The last thing you want to do it wait until you’re facing a plumbing catastrophe to figure it out. There might come a time when you’ll…

It’s not unusual for plumbing to make noises. However, some sounds signal more to be concerned about than others and can be signs of problems that can become devastating if they aren’t addressed immediately. Following are few of the most common plumbing noises and signals that you should be aware of. Grumbling Noises Coming from…

Oh, those dreaded toilet drain problems. You know what I’m talking about. You flush the toilet and watch the water start to rise up to the rim, or worse, over the rim and onto the floor. What a mess! If you are up to the task of dealing with this fairly common plumbing problem yourself,…

If you turn your faucet handles and notice that only a trickle of water comes out instead of a cascade, you have a low water pressure problem. Fortunately, troubleshooting the causes of low water pressure is fairly easy to do. First, you’ll need to determine if it’s a “whole house” problem or if it’s area…

There are few home plumbing problems as inconvenient and potentially detrimental as a leaky pipe. If left untreated, water leaks can lead to costly damage to floors, walls, and household belongings, as well as hefty water bills. Here is some information to help you in your leak detection efforts so you can get it repaired…

A toilet seems simple enough. You look inside and it appears that the system that flushes the toilet is relatively basic. What happens when the toilet water keeps running or runs intermittently? You might have a leaky toilet and it’s likely that you’re using more water than you’d expect. You could be wasting as much…